12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399

(909) 790-1816

May 21, 2024 – The Holy Trinity and Simple Faith

Preschool on Sunday. Thanks to the
Preschool committee and Connie for a
wonderful reception for them.
As we announced on Sunday, the preschool
is in transition. Heather Uribe is leaving for Alabama. Current staff members, Joy
and Jennifer will take over leadership of the school. Transitions are a part of life;
they can be disconcerting, but they can also offer us opportunities to grow in our
connection with each other and with God.
Every week Jodie and I lead chapel time
for the children. Jodie has a wonderful
heart for making the faith we share as
simple as possible. The faith is very simply
expressed in John 3:16, which is part of
our text for Sunday. Martin Luther called
this the Gospel in a nutshell. We begin our
understanding of God with this nutshell.
The children learn this nutshell as we lead chapel time. They look up during our
time together to the hope found in Christ. As they go through life, we pray this
hope deepens. There are plenty of layers of understanding still to come for them.
As your pastor, I have the chance to reflect on the
Gospels, weekly. There is always something new
to learn even after 45 years of ministry. John 3:16
is the Gospel in a nutshell but I have come to love
diving deeply into its meaning. Our faith is a bit
like a Russian Babushka doll. There are more and
more layers as you go through life. Martin Luther
had a nutshell, but he also wrote 54 volumes of
reflections on his faith, which I have in my office.

John 3: 1-17, recalls the unpacking of the faith of Nicodemus. He comes to Jesus
to dive deeper into his faith. As a “leader of the Jews” his fellow priests
emphasized the dangers of Jesus. But Nicodemus is conflicted. He knows that
Jesus has a connection with God. No one can do the signs he does unless he is
connected to God. How will he reconcile this knowledge with the opinion of many
of his colleagues that Jesus is working with Satan?
Jesus urges Nicodemus to be “born from above”. Look up not out. Search out the
God of the heavens. Like a child, have an open heart. Nicodemus is not sure about
starting over in his faith. How can he enter back into the womb?
Jesus answers that we need to look up not out. The children of Israel in the
desert looked up to the snake Moses put on a pole and were saved from the
poison of the serpents around them. Jesus is going to be lifted up, look to him.
When I was confirmed, there was a test we took to make sure we knew the
answers to what our faith should be. I still say the same creed now as I did when I
was dressed in a white robe with a red carnation. But as I keep looking up there
has been an evolution in my faith. I would say I am born again and again and now
see more deeply into the world that God loves.
At the end of the confirmation classes I teach, I have the youth write about their
faith at that moment in time. Look up: what do you see, what do you live by? Then
look around and see how you have lived that out in the world.
Eternal life does not need to wait till later. We can “have eternal life” now. If we
are open to it. May your journey of faith grow deeper and deeper as you look up
and are born from above.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for birthing faith in us. Help us to continue to look up and
be born anew. Finding an antidote for the poisons of life, may we experience
eternal life even now.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor John

The funeral for Dennis Kottmeier is scheduled for June 8 at 11 pm.
Interested in joining Faith? We are planning a new member orientation in June.
Let Pastor Bunge know of your interest.
FOR ALL OUR FAMILY OF FAITH – If you want to retake your picture or add your
picture to our directory and Faith Family Bulletin Board in the Narthex —
Debi Hitter will be available this Sunday in the Fireside Room after church.
Thanks to Barbara, Dave, Fred, Antoinette, Joe, and Lucas for your help last
Saturday. It was a blessing to be able to fill up our shelves. Next Pantry is the
fourth Saturday: May 25 and Every 2 nd & 4 th Saturday, June 8 and 22.
Our Synod Azoombly (assembly online Zoom) will be June 15 – want to be a
delegate? Let Pastor Bunge know.
Grief Support – There is a GriefShare program available in our community. Char
Lampe helps in leading it her number is 951-218-8590. It was recommended
highly by one of our Faith Family.
Support – Bless you for all the ways you support Faith Lutheran. Your financial
support has been amazing. If you have ideas for renting the 2nd story space, call
the office.
Time of Meditation –Nelson will be in rehab for some time, but the group is still
meeting Thursdays @ 1 pm. Thanks Bonnie and others for this spiritual support of
our church.
LAUREN SCHAFER is back Monday through Thursday 12:30 to 3 p.
Pastor Bunge is in the office Mondays and Tuesdays.
Confirmation Classes start again in August.
BELLS – are coming back this summer on Thursday nights. Let Irm know about
your interest.

WELCA – The Next Women’s Bible Study is June 1. Thanks for you for your help
with the memorial service for Lynda Buschauer. The service and reception were
especially beautiful.
QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed 16 for Central
City Lutheran Mission and 6 for Lutheran World Relief. They also gave 23 lap
quilts to Smiles Seniors of Yucaipa, who sent a nice Thank you note.
PRAY for:
 The family of Jacque Kottmeier. Dennis died rather suddenly on Sunday,
May 12. The funeral is scheduled for June 8 at 11 pm.
 The family of Carol Jensen who lost her brother Merlin “Bumps”. She is
back now from the funeral.
 The family of Carol Jean (Farias) DeAmbra who died on April 5. She was a
resident of Calimesa and member of Faith for 25 years and a quilter here
before moving to Arizona.
 Nelson is doing well recovering from hip surgery, and walking outside now. Still,
He and Karen will be a bit scarce around church for a while yet.
 Nancy’s son, Gabe, is recovering after being attacked in the Riverside area.
 erwin appreciated deeply the memorial service and luncheon for Lynda.
 The Watsons would appreciate prayers for Bud who is at home.
 Eloise appreciates your prayers.
 Jan Wheeler appreciates our prayers for Andrew Gentry, a co-worker of her
son Brian.
 The Koening’s appreciate your prayers.
 Kyle and Dana’s son, Kevin’s, Mother-in-Law, Lisa, cancer was found even
after surgery.
 Cesar and Kim appreciate prayers for their sons, Tim, and Kyle. Her brother
Jim is back in a critical state.
 The Sheas would appreciate prayers for Rebecca and Chris Herandez in
need of housing for themselves and the twins.
 Continued Godly journey for Brendan Simms, son of Bonnie Strack.
If you have shoes that are “just taking up room” in your closet or
garage, please bring them to the boxes inside the Narthex and
Fireside Room and place in the box labeled “Soles 4 Souls.”


19 turned out to be very SPECIAL for the Staff!
Thank you to the Preschool Committee, Robyn Blue, Pat Motschall,
Sharon and Steve Cady, Courtney, Nancy, Dave & Bonnie, Connie
for assisting with the event.
26 MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATION & Celebrating Very Very Merry
UnBirthdays of Jan – Jun
Jennifer’s famous coconut cake! Bonnie S. is making chicken salad
sandwiches, chips & veggies
2 Thank you WELCA
9 In The Garden Theme – Meatballs. Salad, Cheesecake, Brownies
16 LOVE TO DADS & GRADS – Root Beer FLOATS! on the patio
23 BINGO!!!! Please bring your bingo prizes. (We will be playing 2 times
during the summer; by popular demand. Label BINGO & place on pew in office.

JULY 14 th — 75 th Anniversary Celebration HONORING THE PANTRY
August 11 — 90th Birthday party for erwin. All his family will join us.
August 19 –75th Anniversary Celebration HONORING THE YOUTH &
EDUCATION with Back-to-School games.

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