JULY 30, 2024
Winners not Whiners
As we continue our reading from John 6. The 5,000 who were fed follow Jesus around to the other side of the lake, looking for another meal.
As so often happens in the Gospel of John, the wondrous miracle of Jesus turns into a reason for people to complain. Most people do not get the
“sign” behind the miracle.
The real importance of miracles, the miracle behind miracles is to bring forth faith.
Jesus wants to perform a true miracle and turn them from whiners to winners.
Jesus did not come to be a conveyor belt of bread. He came to inspire people to dedicate
themselves to the work of God in the world so they will not hunger and thirst. What is that
work? It starts with believing in the power of love revealed in Jesus.
The crowd asks for Jesus to show them another miracle – how about another free lunch and
then will we believe. They point to Moses, who provided Mana every day to the people of
Israel in the desert. Jesus responds that God provided the bread, not Moses. God provided it in
such a way that people would not become greedy with it. It would only last a day, except for
the Sabbath day preparations. The Mana was meant as a sign to be content not to hoard up
treasures here, but treasures in heaven.
Focus on the Bread of heaven, and neither hunger or thirst. The crowd says they want that
type of bread always. But do they?
You may or may not be watching the Olympics. I tune in over YouTube to avoid commercials. Kudos to the
women’s gymnasts who won gold again. I have watched parts of their performances and parts of Volleyball,
Basketball, Tennis and Table Tennis.
So many sports, 32 in all. With a total of 329 medal events. I was surprised to see Football (Olympic style), Shooting,
Squash, Surfing, Trampoline included.
Some sports have their day in the limelight then fade from public view for another four years.
Athletics put in years of effort, and this may be their one chance for notoriety. They have a
sport they truly love.
That is what Jesus wants for the crowd. He wants them to let go of demanding another free
lunch and instead find something they would truly love doing for the Kingdom of God.
So many of you truly do love working for the Kingdom of God in this place. Helping in the
pantry and with Sunday morning fellowship, quilting, supporting the wider church, assisting
with services, welcoming children, setting up communion and being there for one another.
People have done this type of work for 75 years in this place. Of course, there are times when
it may feel more like a burden than a joy. I am sure athletes have the same sensation at times.
I must push myself to get to the gym at times. Athletes are putting in so much more time.
We may or may not get much publicity for our efforts. We do it for the love of the work,
because it satisfies our deepest hunger and thirst.
Like an Olympic coach, Paul writes to the Ephesians (4:11-12) that there all types of ways to
build up the body of Christ. Each believer has a part to play in building up the body to the “full
stature of Christ.” The Christian faith is a team sport.
This week Pastor Steve Anderson of Spirit of Our Savior wrote about how he and his wife
struggled financially at times, until they wrote their first check of the month to the church.
They discovered that “God ALWAYS provided what they needed. Every…single…time.” Jesus
would have appreciated that type of attitude from the crowd.
I urge you this summer to spend 12 minutes a day in meditation. A great way to hone your
skills is by linking to our Thursday meditation group. Focus on the calling of God in your life.
Release any focus on daily bread or failures of the past and embrace God’s future. We do not
want to “work only for food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life” (John
6:27). The Son of Man looks forward to giving you that type of work.
In the end the joy of it will cause us to neither hunger or thirst for anything else.
Prayer: Lord thank you for offering us the Bread of Life. May we release focus on daily bread
and on missteps of the past and align our lives with yours. Together as Faith may we build up
the Body of Christ in this place.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor John Bunge
Support – Again bless you for your support through summer. Thanks to Barbara Kuerzinger
our new Treasurer. Richard was able to travel with family this summer. Thanks for his many
years of service.
The Next Women’s Bible Study is August 3, part of a 3-part Bible
series on living in faith.
Interested in joining Faith? We are planning a new member orientation later in August. Let
Pastor Bunge know of your interest.
The pantry is 8 to 10:30 every 2 nd & 4 th Saturday, so July 27 and August 10 and 24. Want to
help let Carol Jensen know.
Time of Meditation –meets Thursdays @ 1 pm.
LAUREN SCHAFER is in the office Monday through Thursday 12:15 to 2:45 p.
Pastor Bunge will be in the office Monday and Tuesday in August.
Confirmation Classes start again September 8.
QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed 17 quilts for Central City
Lutheran Mission and 6 for Lutheran World Relief. They also gave 2 quilts to graduating
Seniors Charlotte and Evan.
Lots of Celebrations:
Michael and Ann Shea are great grandparents again, their newest is Elizabeth Paige
Bruce of North Carolina.
Good News for Jeanne Koening, her pancreatic cancer biopsy came back benign. They
have moved into their house at 12367 4 th Street space 8. They appreciate prayers for
their daughter Jessica.
Rebecca and Chris found an apartment not far from her work.
Kim’s brother, Jim, had good news on his stem cell procedure.
Andrew Gentry, a co-worker of Jan Wheeler’s for son Brian had good news in his fight
against cancer of the larynx.
Thanks to all you have given shoes for Soles 4 Souls place your shoes in the
boxes inside the Narthex and Fireside Room labeled "Soles 4 Souls.”
PRAY for:
Nelson had a reaction to a new medication.
Please pray for Robyn Blue, her mother passed on July 7 th . She had been recovering
from a fall and while recovering contracted COVID. We had a nice committal service for
The family of Steve Cady will be using the fireside room August 10 th for a family
remembrance time for his mother. She requested no memorial service.
Bonnie Strack is recovering from an injury to her foot. We pray for a speedy recovery.
She appreciates continued prayer for her son Brendan Simms, who has suffered from a
series of strokes.
Delores McDaniel, the Grandmother of Wendy Finucan Montgomery is recovering from
a stroke.
erwin has been back in church, 90 th birthday celebration for him August 18.
Nancy’s son, Gabe, is doing well.
Eloise appreciates your prayers.
Kyle and Dana’s son, Kevin’s, Mother-in-Law, Lisa, cancer was found even after surgery.
Cesar and Kim appreciate prayers for their sons, Tim, and Kyle.
We’re Thankful that you JOIN US –
4 – thank you always! – We receive the benefit of them
hosting the fellowship time with fabulous treats for us from their Bible Study the
Saturday before.
11 GAMES!! GAMES!! GAMES!! 75 th Anniversary Celebration HONORING THE YOUTH &
EDUCATION with Back-to-School games and YOUTH GET TO CHOOSE BACK-TO-
We will be setting up about 5 games, if you’d like to help, let us know.
Or, thanks for saying YES when we call. ��
It’s all about the youth! — Hot dogs & brats/Mac & Cheese, Chips, Ice Cream
18 IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE erwin!!! Happy 90 th Birthday!
With all his favorites! – Italian Spaghetti, German Chocolate Cake with Fudge Frosting
and ice cream, and orange Jello with oranges and strawberries.
Mark your calendars. One host has volunteered, we need a 2 nd volunteer. Thanks.
Reminder: Thanks for considering us your donation location for your giveaways for our
Bingo Prizes, leave in office labeled BINGO.
And if you want to help with food for any date, please let Connie know, 951.514.1214