12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399

(909) 790-1816

January 16, 2024 – ANNUAL REPORT

Australia and New Zealand. We appreciated the opportunity to visit in-laws in the land
down under.
This Sunday will be our congregation’s second Semi-annual meeting after our worship
service, so I have included my Annual Report with this message.
The text for Sunday is from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus begins his ministry with these
words: “The time is fulfilled the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the
Gospel.” He then invited disciples to join him in drawing people to this Good News.
2024 will mark the 75th year of Faith’s ministry in Yucaipa. During those years people
have been drawn to the Gospel proclaimed here. We continue that mission together in
many ways. I want to highlight some of those and thank those who have lived out the
Gospel in this place.
First let us thank our Council: Much thanks to our “retiring” — council president Bonnie
Mills. Her love for Faith shone through. We lost our Vice President George Motschall.
He loved Faith and we all loved him back. He is sorely missed.
We are fortunate to have Nelson Hall step up as President this year. Nelson will also be
leading a class on Prayer and Meditation. He also calls on our members.
A newer member Paula Winters will be VP. Another newer member, Emily Smith will
represent Social Concerns with Carol covering the pantry and Connie coordinating
social events, including Sunday mornings. Pat Motschall will continue as Secretary,
Karen Hall will continue as worship and education, Robyn Blue continues to as
preschool committee. Debi and Lou are doing one more year, on the property
committee, thankfully. We are also thankful that Richard will continue as treasurer with
Barbara Kuerzinger transitioning in. Caroline continues as our financial secretary.
There are many to thank we cannot lift the Gospel light without your support.
2023 Reflections
1. The amount of our Charity is a huge source of pride for me. We support the following
a. Each year we support the work of the Pacifica Synod which supports work
through southern California and the worldwide through the ELCA: working with
and for churches, Lutheran Universities and marginalized people in America and
throughout the world. Our support for 2023 was $3,000.
b. In 2023 our Lenten emphasis supported Lutheran World Relief especially their
work in Ukraine. Our support in 2023 – $5,000
c. Through my connection with Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley we were able
to support their ministry to unhoused and poorly housed people in 2023 – to the
total of $14,000.
d. We helped birth Central City Lutheran Mission, San Bernadino, CA. They hope
to increase their capacity from housing 30 homeless men to 138. We supported
them in 2023 – $5,300 including in memory of Norma Burwell.
e. Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences in Oak Glen. Our

Support $2,250 given in memory of George Motschall.
2. Debi and Lou Hitter oversaw our property. We supplied the material and
the preschool repainted classrooms and put new flooring in all the
classrooms and hallways. Bless Jeanne Koenig for mentoring our security
3. Worship – We started a choir with the youth of our church jumping in,
thanks to Bonnie, Connie, Courtney, Elisha and Rachael. The Starks joined
us as well for Christmas. Joy to the world. Emily Smith who leads our
quilting ministry joined Karen and Robyn in preparing communion.
4. A huge shout out to Carol Jensen and her team for keeping the pantry
going. They purchased a new refrigerator this year.
5. Connie led a team providing fellowship on Sunday, including Jennifer,
Richard, Brenda, Dana, Kyle. Youth helped set up games with Karen
supplying prizes.
6. Charlotte and Rachel worked together again to provide a children time on Sunday
mornings. Karen and Robyn assist.
7. Thanks for the continued serve of Richard Beal and Caroline Makanza who keep the
money flow in order. We welcome Barbara to the mix and thank Paula for her work on
the audit.
8. Your financial solid support is vital. Your generosity helped us be charitable beyond
ourselves, improve the preschool and enhance our staff with the addition of Lauren
Schafer. What a blessing, she is so knowledgeable in liturgical worship. Connie and my
extended vacation would not have been possible without her.
9. Your prayers and support: Thanks for the many prayers for the church and for
supporting each other.
Looking to 2024
1. I have to say I love being part of a generous, caring congregation. I enjoy
educating youth in the Gospel. We confirmed Russell and Elisha this year.
We will be welcoming Courtney in joining Izzy, Julian and Joshua in
confirmation. We will offer an adult study during Lent on Wednesday
nights on the life of Peter. Kudos to the Cady’s for leading our Wednesday study
on Forgiveness and to Nelson will lead a four-week study on Prayer beginning
January 17th . Our WELCA study is led by Karen and Carol.
Doing what I love to do for one more year seemed like a no brainer.
Cruising the down under was great. But I find for me that sailing on a ship
overflowing with food does not fully satisfy. I love following Jesus, putting down
the Gospel net and seeing who I can encourage to be caught up in it.
2. Pantry: Our volunteers kept the pantry going. Thanks to all for
contribution, picking up items, organizing boxes and cleaning the pantry area,
special kudos to Carol, Joe, Barbara, Pat, Peter and Debbie.
3. Quilts: thanks to the dedicated work of Emily Smith, Dana Hadley and Dona
Whitt and others as this ministry continues and grows.

4. Outreach to our community can be a priority. It will not be an easy
undertaking. We do offer our facilities to many AA, NA OEA groups on a weekly
basis. The church renting our upstairs are facing challenges.
5. Charity – I hope we can continue our gracious support of charities beyond
Grace and Peace,
Pastor John

Semi-Annual Meeting Sunday, January 21 – We will be passing a new budget and
reviewing reports on 2023.
Pledge/Commitment forms were returned thanks for your support as we look to a
new year, Faith’s 75th year together.
Poinsettias and Musicians – We want to thank the following sponsors for our
Christmas Eve Poinsettias and Musicians – Thank you!!
Kim and Cesear Guevara – In Memory of David Simmons – Poinsettias
Diane Watson – In Memory of their friend Michael Escandon Poinsettias and
Pat Motschall – In Memory of George and Greg – Poinsettias and Musicians
Tim and Linda Drom – In Memory of Loved Ones – Musicians
David and Bonnie Strack – In Memory of Tim Strack – Poinsettias
Paula Winters – Musicians
Carol Jensen – Geri Witwer – Musicians
John and Connie Bunge – In Memory of Myrene Bunge
If we have missed anyone on the list – please let the office know…
Thank you again!
LAUREN SCHAFER our Office Assistant’s hours are: 12:30-3:00 M – Th.
Pastor will be back in the office on January 18.
Confirmation Classes start again on January 28. We welcome Courtney Koger.
Next Pantry – January 26. Thanks for your response with grocery bags. We do have a
new refrigerator for the kitchen. We will see how best to place it. **Needed peanut
butter, cereal, rice (1 lb. bags), and canned fruit.**
Choir – We practice at 9:00 am before services.

Adult Class – Nelson Hall will lead a class on prayer after the first of the year
beginning January 17 @ 1 pm.
WELCA – The Next Women’s Bible Study will be Saturday, February 3 at 9:30 a.m. in
the Fireside Room.
QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed eight more quilts for
Central City Lutheran Mission and 20 were donated to Lutheran World Relief. Thank
Good News. Cesar’s Sister Maria had a lump removed from her neck and after
chemotherapy, she was pronounced cancer-free. Kim Guevarra’s brother Jim could
finally move forward with stem cell therapy.
● The Koenig Family – Jeanne Koenig has a stint in her skull and is draining the
accumulating spinal fluid which is affecting her eyesight, speech, and motor skills.
Daughter, Jessica’s leukemia is being managed, but leaves her tired.
Lucas and Joey lost a grandmother, Lael Shea – whom they called Mimi.
● Erwin appreciates our continued prayer for Lynda.
● Kyle and Dana would appreciate prayers for their son, Kevin’s, Mother-in-Law, Lisa,
suffering from cancer.
● Cesar and Kim would also appreciate prayers for their sons, Tim, and Kyle.
● The Sheas would appreciate prayers for Rebecca and Chris Herandez, who require
housing for themselves and the twins.
● Continued Godly journey for Brendan Simms, son of Bonnie Strack.
SUN Jan. 21 – 10 am worship followed by our second Semi-annual Congregational
We will be expanding the bulletin board in January in the Fireside Room so we can
display lots of pictures of Faith in action. If you have any that you have taken, please
forward via email to Debi Hitter, debihitter@msn.com. She will print them for the
bulletin board and pass them on to Lauren for the website.
WINTER with you Faith Family

SUN JAN 21 – Semi-Annual Meeting. Coffee and Hot Chocolate in Narthex
SUN JAN 28 – ALL Congregation Potluck
We will be forming a new committee in the New Year to plan events for
Spring through Summer. If you want to join the fun, please call or text
Connie, 951.514.1214.
Or you can still provide treats via a sign-up sheet that will always be in the
narthex or the Fireside Room on Sunday mornings.

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