12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399

(909) 790-1816

January 2, 2024 – Greetings from Down Under and Happy New Year

Joy to the World,

Pastor John


Lord, bless you for your love for the world. May the world know more of your reign of peace and joy this year.

 Semi-Annual Meeting Sunday, January 21 – We will be passing a new budget and approving reports on 2023.

Pledge/Commitment forms were returned thanks for your support as we look to a new year, Faith’s 75th year together.

Poinsettias and Musicians – Thanks for your support!

We want to thank the following sponsors for our Christmas Eve Poinsettias and Musicians – Thank you!!

Kim and Cesear Guevara  – In Memory of David Simmons – Poinsettias

Diane Watson – In Memory of their friend Michael Escandon Poinsettias and Musicians

Pat Motschall – In Memory of George and Greg – Poinsettias and Musicians

Tim and Linda Drom – In Memory of Loved Ones – Musicians

David and Bonnie Strack – In Memory of Tim Strack – Poinsettias

Paula Winters – Musicians

Carol Jensen – Geri Witwer – Musicians

John and Connie Bunge – In Memory of Myrene Bunge

If we have missed anyone on the list – please let the office know

Thank you again!

 LAUREN SCHAFER our Office Assistant’s hours are: 12:30-3:00 M – Th.

Pastor will back in the office on January 19.

Confirmation Classes start again on January 28. We welcome Courtney Koger.

 Next Pantry – January 12 and 26. Thanks for your response with grocery bags.


Choir – Thanks for the music on Christmas Eve. We practice at 9:00 am before services.

Adult Class – Nelson Hall will be leading a class on prayer after the first of the year beginning January 17 @ 1 pm.

WELCA – The Next Women’s Bible Study will be Saturday, January 6 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room.

QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed eight more quilts for Central City Lutheran Mission and twenty were donated to Lutheran World Relief. Thank you!

Good News. Cesar’s Sister Maria had a lump removed from her neck and after chemotherapy, she was pronounced cancer-free.

Jan Wheeler’s son’s friend Lee Gomez is doing much better.

Kim Guevarra’s brother Jim can finally move forward with stem cell therapy on January 3.


  • The Koenig Family – Nice to have you all with us on Christmas Eve morning.
  • Jeanne Koenig’s a stint in Jeanne’s skull is draining the accumulating spinal fluid which is affecting her eyesight, speech, and motor skills.
  • Daughter, Jessica’s leukemia is being managed, but leaves her tired.
  • Lucas and Joey lost a grandmother, Lael Shea – whom they called Mimi.
  • Erwin appreciates our continued prayer for Lynda.
  • Kyle and Dana would appreciate prayers for their son, Kevin’s, Mother-in-Law, Lisa, suffering from cancer.
  • Cesar and Kim would also appreciate prayers for their sons, Tim, and Kyle. Cesar’s Sister Maria also had a lump removed from her neck and the biopsy came back non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • The Sheas would appreciate prayers for Rebecca and Chris Herandez in need of housing for themselves and the twins.
  • Continued Godly journey for Brendan Simms, son of Bonnie Strack.


SUN Dec. 31 – Carols and Readings @ 10 am.    

SUN Jan. 7 and 14 – The Baptism of Jesus begins the season of Epiphany

SUN Jan. 21 – 10 am worship followed by our second Semi-annual Congregational Meeting


We will be expanding the bulletin board in January in the Fireside Room so we can display a lot of pictures of Faith in action. If you have any pictures that you have taken, please forward via email to Debi Hitter, debihitter@msn.com. She will print them for the bulletin board and pass them on to Lauren for the website.

WINTER with your Faith Family



SUN JAN 14 – Pat Motschall and Sharon Cady Host

SUN JAN 21 – Semi-Annual Meeting. Coffee and Hot Chocolate in Narthex

SUN JAN 28 – ALL Congregation Potluck

We will be forming a new committee in the New Year to plan events for Spring through Summer. If you want to join the fun, please call, or text Connie, 951.514.1214.

Or you can still provide treats via a sign-up sheet that will always be in the narthex or in the Fireside Room on Sunday mornings.

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