12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399

(909) 790-1816

June 14, 2021 – Message

This year Connie and I will be in church on Father’s Day a GREAT place to be. We do have a week of Father’s Day celebrations going. We will be down at the US Open Golf Tournament at Torrey Pines as volunteers most of the week. I hope some of the great golf play rubs off. For an early Father’s Day, my dear family gifted me with a driver and golf lessons. My game has truly come up a notch. Watch out senior tour.

Hopefully, you had a father, as I did, who was truly worthy of recognition. I remember my father, who was also a pastor, teaching me songs, instilling a love of reading, and yes taking me out to the golf course. My first of two holes-in-one was with him and my brother at age 18. I would get my second one 50 years later. I hope I do not have to wait 50 years for another.

My father died at age 56 in the fall of 1977. I was in seminary at the time. I remember the shoe boxes of cards at his bedside from people who were in prayer for him, thanking him. It affirmed in me the desire to follow him in serving others.

For thousands of years people were unclear about what type of heavenly father we have: fearsome and demanding or kind and merciful.

The book of Job is an example. If you think you are having a bad day, read the book of Job. Alexander who had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day had nothing on Job.

In one awful day he lost his considerable wealth, his children, and his health. His wife saw him scraping his sores with some broken pottery one day and urged Job to ask God for a quick departure from this life.

Job’s friends are helpful at first. They sit there with him in his grief and pain. Eventually, however, they begin to ask Job about what he has done wrong. Surely, there must have been something in his past that had brought about God’s wrath.

Job pleads innocence and then pleads with God. Why do the just suffer? What kind of heavenly father are you Lord to allow this to happen to a righteous person?

God shows up at the end in chapter 38 to in a whirlwind to say that our understanding of the world has its limits. People try to control their fortunes. But the power does not belong to them. They try to control others, even God and fail.

Job is able in the end to see God, clearly. The power of the Triune God is hidden in the world at times, but Job does see now. As an added blessing Job’s fortunes are returned double. He lives to an old age of 140 and Job’s daughters are the fairest in the land.

God sent Jesus so that we might truly know the character of the creator. Not just in a whirlwind as Job did, but as a brother who would teach us about our “Abba” father. Abba is the first words of a trusting child to their parent, best translated Papa or Daddy or even Mama. Jesus taught us is that the creator is close and caring; not willing to take all suffering away, but willing to share our suffering.

This week as you reflect on your father, hopefully yours was as godly as mine. If not, think on those who were a godly presence for you. Those who stood with you and for you in the difficult times. Those who walked the River of Life beside you and helped you to drink deeply of the gracious waters.

Prayer:   Abba, father, we thank you for those fathers who do reflect your grace, hope, and strength revealed in Jesus. Be with those who are fathers and bear the burdens of others. Be with those who wish to be fathers, those with broken or strained relationships, those who are missing fathers, and for fathers who lost children. Bless and strengthen them all.        Amen.

Blessings, Pastor John


Sunday @ 10 am. Indoors. We do offer a special time for the children. You can also join us live at 10 am. Just click the link on our website under Sunday Service. I will continue to send out a link each week for the recording of the service and put it up on our website. But we are replacing our zoom meeting with the live feed.  Again, go to the website faithlutheranyucaipa.org and under Sunday Service cli

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS:  Monday and Tuesday – 9:30 to 3 p.m.


  • Children’s Church continues. Are you interested in assisting? Let us know at the church office or give Robyn Blue a call.
  • CAMP is open for Grades 3 – 10 is July 18 – 3 @ Oak Glen. Looks like we have three or four going.


  • The pantry had about 50 people through this week. Thanks to all who helped.
  • The front is taking shape, Tom Ziech and George Motschall are working on the watering system. Joe Koenig and Debi Hitter are watering the new plants for now.
  • Quilting continues 40 quilts thus far –vaccinated volunteers are returning. Tuesdays starting at 9:00 am. They could use some flat king size sheets if you have them.


Thanks for your prayers:

  • Fred Mazurier was with us in worship. Alleluia. But he did have a heart attack and has lost some heart function.
  • Wells Santos continues his up and down recovery.
  • Gerri requests prayers for her friend Linda.
  • Friend of the Cady’s Leslie with throat cancer.
  • Kim Guevara’s friends, Don and Edith Besant, who just celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary. Sadly, Edith suffered a stroke and is in a coma.
  • Motschall’s niece, Linda Odde, with a brain tumor.
  • Diane Watson who broke her hip and is recovering well at home with Bud.
  • Roxanne Foss’s niece, Ginny.
  • erwin for strength and Lynda for healing.
  • Jerry Mills facing chemotherapy.
  • Continued Godly journey for Brendan, son of Bonnie Strack and Rebecca, daughter of Michael Shea.
  • Bill and Judy Martin’s daughter, Laura, living in Kansas completed her chemo. Praise God it was tough, but she was tougher. Surgery and radiation still await her.
  • Pattie, a friend of the Halls with thyroid cancer, treatments have started.



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