12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399

(909) 790-1816

August 13, 2023 – Holy Communion

John 6, verses 51-58 are the focus this week. Jesus moves deeper and deeper into the faith. He highlights the importance of Communion.

People commune with nature and gather in communities.  Jesus points the way to commune with the divine.

The crowd following Jesus was in it for the free lunch, not so much for communing with the divine. If there was not going to be any free lunch they were going to leave, which they did. Jesus knows that they should be seeking a deeper source of sustenance. — The True Bread of Heaven, not like the manna in the wilderness.

One of the main shifts happening in our society is a movement away from the church. The fastest growing religious group among the younger generation in the U.S. is the “Nones”, people with no religious affiliation. During my years of growing up the church provided not just religious grounding but a social network as well. The social network part is not as pronounced any longer, especially after COVID kept people from gatherings. Being “unaffiliated” is more socially acceptable now. So, like the crowd around Jesus some are leaving the church.

Jesus highlights a deep connection we can have with God. We can commune with God and taste of eternal life now. He gets very graphic: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” (6:53) Even the disciples had a tough time with that saying.

What does it mean?

Jesus is revealing to the crowd, to the disciples and to us that God the creator of the universe was not satisfied in creating the universe. God is a part of creation, especially people with people who can be responsive to God’s love. Linking our lives to the divine allows us to move beyond earthly bonds and touch the face of God.

Martin Luther saw the nearness of God evidenced in Holy Communion. He saw in this sacrament, God coming to us in the form of bread and wine. “The words “given for you” and “shed for you…for the forgiveness of sin.” Show us that forgiveness of sin, life and salvation are given to us in the sacrament through these words, because where there is forgiveness of sin, there is also life and salvation.” (Small Catechism)

The last week of August Connie and I are headed up to see our daughter Brie. This is the final month of her pregnancy, which is going well. We talk and text with her, but it is not the same as being with her and her husband, Ying. Besides, she has a to do-list for grandparents.

Ying’s parents do not want to be remote grandparents, either. They are coming all the way from Australia to be with them for several months after the birth.

Communion reminds us that God wants to be a part of our lives.  As I spoke about on Sunday, when we experience God’s presence, we can release from rejection, regrets, and resentment. Luther reminds us that the forgiveness offered in bread and wine brings life and salvation.

My father was one who loved to invite people over for dinner, leaving it to my mother to put together a nice meal. He would even invite people over who were critical of his ministry, to make friends out of adversaries. In so doing, my father was reflecting the invitation of Jesus to come to communion to relink our lives to the divine. Even if you have disappointments and disagreements with God or other people, here is a chance to reconnect.

When I was a youth, we had communion once a month. Now we have communion every Sunday, which is in line with the weekly gatherings of the early church. Personally, it allows me more occasions and another way of renewing my relationship to God. Prayer and Scripture provide spiritual sustenance. But the physical element of communion is helpful as well.

You might know that I enjoy golf. The outdoor air, the exercise (I like to walk the course if I can), the fellowship with other golfers is a joy to me. Watching golf or reading about it is one thing, physically doing it is another. Reading the scriptures, praying to “Abba” is one thing. Physically connecting my life to God is another.

Not only is there a connection to God, but there is also the connection to other people of faith as well. Nice to know that because I am linked to Christ in communion, I am also linked to all of you. Not only people here, but around the world: Members of other churches I have served, seminary friends of mine, people of faith throughout the world and throughout time.

My sister Marcia is visiting the district of Bunge this week in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden. Great to know there is a land of Bunges in the world – right? Nicer to know that my ancestors in the faith are linked to me, weekly, in Communion. The 5-generation pastors, church workers, teachers, farmers, accountants, newspaper publishers, all united through Christ. As the crowd said in a more insightful moment: “Give us this Bread always.”

Prayer: Lord thank you for coming to us, not only in words but in physical elements as well. Thank you for the bread and wine which connect us to you and your church on earth and the host of heaven. Give us this Bread always. Amen

Grace and Peace,                                       Pastor John Bunge

Last Sunday we celebrated our 75th Anniversary by HONORING YOUTH & EDUCATION

THANKS TO Karen Hall & Robyn Blue who assist

To Rachael Mkanza and Charlotte Beal for teaching the young people; Steve Cady and Pastor Bunge who offer Bible Study and to Nelson Hall for Meditation.

We had a fun time and played fun games.  Thanks to all the young people who participated.  They were able to choose back-to-school items.

          Thanks to the adults who helped to facilitate.  Eric K., Russell K. Elisha M., Bennie M., Pat M., Nancy, Pastor John, Dana H., Kyle H., Richard B.,

 Bonnie S., Connie B.



The pantry is 8 to 10:30 every 2nd & 4th Saturday, so August 24 and September 14 & 28.   Carol Jensen asked that you check your pantry. Do you have unused non-perishable food sitting at home?  Almost anything can be used.  These items are set out for pantry recipients to pick and choose.  Always need any of the following:  pasta sauce. cereal, canned soup, canned fruit, mac & cheese.

Support – Again bless you for your generosity through summer. We were able to support our own ministries and the Pacifica Synod to the tune of $3,000 and Habitat for Humanity $2,000 thus far.

The Next Women’s Bible Study is September 3, part of a 3-part Bible series on living in faith.

Interested in joining Faith?  We are planning a new member orientation in September. Let Pastor Bunge know of your interest.

Time of Meditation –meets Thursdays @ 1 pm.

LAUREN SCHAFER has been offered a new position that will benefit her family financially. Sadly, she will be leaving us at the end of this week. August 15. Her hours this last week will be Monday through Thursday 12:15 to 2:45 p. If you could help us with filing, mailing, membership records, let us know.  

Pastor Bunge will be in the office Mondays and Tuesdays in August.

Confirmation Classes start again September 8 @ 11:15 am.

QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed 17 quilts for Central City Lutheran Mission and 6 for Lutheran World Relief. They also gave 2 quilts to graduating Seniors Charlotte and Evan.



  • Celebration & prayers for Charlotte Beal who will be journeying to college this week.
  • Celebration & prayers for Evan who is doing well at college.
  • Dana Hadley had a negative COVID test and was able to return home.
  • The family of Steve Cady had a great celebration of the life of his mother on what would have been her 100th
  • Nelson had a reaction to a new medication, but recovering
  • Michael and Ann Shea are great grandparents again, their newest is Elizabeth Paige Bruce of North Carolina.
  • Good News for Jeanne Koening, her pancreatic cancer biopsy came back benign. They have moved into their house at 12367 4th Street space 8. They appreciate prayers for their daughter Jessica.
  • Rebecca and Chris found an apartment not far from her work.
  • Kim’s brother, Jim, had good news on his stem cell procedure.
  • Andrew Gentry, a co-worker of Jan Wheeler’s son, Brian, had good news in his fight against cancer of the larynx.


PRAY for:

  • Please pray for Brad Blue, he is having hip surgery on August 15.
  • Bonnie Strack is recovering from an injury to her foot. We pray for a speedy recovery. She appreciates continued prayer for her son Brendan Simms, who has suffered from a series of strokes.
  • Delores McDaniel, the grandmother of Wendy Finucan Montgomery, is recovering from a stroke.
  • erwin is back in church, 90th birthday celebration for him next Sunday, August 18.
  • erwin’s son, Rob, who has MS and other health concerns.
  • Jacque who is grieving the loss of Dennis
  • Nancy’s son, Gabe, is doing well.
  • Eloise appreciates your prayers.
  • Kyle and Dana’s son, Kevin’s, Mother-in-Law, Lisa, cancer was found even after surgery.
  • Cesar and Kim appreciate prayers for their sons, Tim, and Kyle.


Thanks to all you have given shoes for Soles 4 Souls.  Please place your shoes in the boxes inside the Narthex and Fireside Room labeled “Soles 4 Souls.”






18       IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE erwin!!!  Happy 90th Birthday!

With all his favorites! – Italian Spaghetti, German Chocolate Cake with Fudge Frosting and ice cream, and orange Jello with oranges and strawberries.  YUM!



            (in crockpot if need to be warmed)

Mark your calendars.  Thanks to Nancy who volunteered to be a host., we need a 2nd volunteer.  Thanks.



1          Welcome to Fall.   Chili, Salad, Apple Dessert



            Fun in the Sun

22       BINGO

29       CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT – Start gathering your partner

All Salads

 Reminder:  Thanks for considering us your donation location for your giveaways for our Bingo Prizes, leave in office labeled BINGO.

 And if you want to help with food for any date, please let Connie know, 951.514.1214


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