12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399

(909) 790-1816

February 4, Message

February 4, 2025    

Peter and the Great Catch of Fish

Have you ever gotten more than you expected?

Maybe you order an ice cream cone and the server gives you a gaint scoop – Score! Maybe you hit a golf ball or pickle ball or baseball and it landed further or better than you thought it should – Score!

Connie and I scored out in the Palm Desert last week. We decided to do some shopping in the beautiful weather. She wanted to include Michael’s in our tour of stores. That was was not on my list, but as Paul reminded us in 1 Corinthians 13 last week – Love is Patient and Kind. Does not insist on its own way. So to Michael’s we went.

Outside of Michael’s were stacks of garland for 80% off. Inside the store were nice artifical poinsettias which we thought might augment the real poinsettias used for  Christmas decorations at Faith. We bought a car load at bargain prices in memory of my mother – Score!

In our Gospel this week, Peter scores! with a boat load, no — two boat loads of fish!

It all started when Jesus invited himself to use Peter’s boat. The crowds were pressing in on him and he needed space so he asks Peter to sit in his boat and address the crowd from off the shore.

Peter says yes. After his sermon, Jesus suggests that Peter “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:4)

Peter is reluctant. They were washing their nets because they had caught nothing all night. But he heard enough in the sermon to give it a try. When they did let down their nets, the fish came swimming in. They had to motion to their partners, James and John, to help with the catch. There were so many fish, both boats begin to sink.

What would your reaction be?

Score! Thanks Jesus, I guess I deserve this for giving you as sea worthy pulpit.

Score! Thanks Jesus, our empty nets from the night were made right by being filled now.

Peter’s reaction: Quite different. He falls at Jesus feet and asks him to: “Depart from me for I am a sinful man.”  Not too many people would react this way if a they good fortune shine on them. But Jesus appreciates the humility. He says: “Do not be afraid. You will be catching people.” (5:10).  From that day onward, they will use their gifts to bless the world around them. In fact, they leave those fish of abundance behind to follow Jesus.

At our semi-annual meeting we approved a revised budget. We were blessed last year in ways we did not expect so we were able to increase our budget and added increases to our charitable outreach, pantry, fellowship, security and cleaning services. Thanks for your support. We were blessed to be a blessing.

Sunday after church I had the chance to do some golfing with my son and a couple of his friends. It was a beautiful day, and I made some good shots, birdied hole two at Bear Creek. The final score however was a bit too abundant. Still, I felt I scored.

Prayer Lord, sometimes we are blessed by the boatload. Help us when blessed to use that to bless others.

Blessed New Year,

Pastor John


Sunday February 9 is your chance to renew your wedding vows following worship. Just stay afterwards. This is a chance to score with your spouse.

The Mureaux family is in our prayers. Thank you for all your support. Yvette passed on Thursday the 30th; Memorial Service is scheduled for March 1, 1:00 p.m. at Faith.

Bud Watson passed away during the night Monday, Feb. 3. Do pray for the family.

Confirmation Classes continue but NO CLASS on Feb. 9 as the class will be at camp. Thanks again for your support we were able to offer scholarships. We do have class on Feb. 16 and NOT on Feb. 23 when Glen Egertson will be with us.

Time of Meditation –began again on Thursdays @ 1 pm.

Thank you for your support. Over $500 has come in thus far for Wildfire relief efforts. Just mark offering envelopes. These gifts will be doubled. As mentioned above, we were also able to provide scholarships for this weekend’s camp for our youth.

Thrivent Choice Dollars – if you have Thrivent financial products you may have Choice Dollars you can designate to Faith. I was able designate another $200 this week from 2024 dollars, another $200 came in from others as well. Check on your own possibilities. Call Thrivent if you need assistance.


OFFICE: Pastor Bunge will be in the office Mondays and Tuesdays, until the Lenten season in March.



Feb 9              Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration.  Waffle Bar.

Want to renew your vows that day? We will do so after the service.  

Feb 16           Continued Valentine’s Celebration — Potluck (every 3rd Sunday) Thanks to Diane Watson for providing Cookie Company cookies


Feb 23           Special Guest Pastor and Camp Director Glen Egerstrom – BINGO

                        Lite Lunch

Mar 5             Ash Wednesday Service    7 pm

Wednesday soup suppers will start on March 12th @ 5:00 p with an Adam Hamilton video series on the Gospel of Luke.

Signup for soup suppers in in narthex on table under bulletin board.

PANTRY The pantry is from 8 to 10:00 every 2nd & 4th Saturday, next up February 8 and 22. The pantry could use pasta sauce, canned beans (any kind), mac & cheese**, single canned meals (chili, ravioli, etc) and always cereal.

The Next Women’s Bible Study is March 1.

QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed 12 quilts which they shared with The San Bernardino Wellness Center.

OUTREACH PRAYER & CELEBRATION CARDS Thank you for the wonderful response to the hand-made cards.  Thanks again to Linda Drom, Holly Warner and Connie for making them.  Cards are sent to people on the prayer list, monthly birthdays and anniversaries. February cards are available in the narthex for the individuals to also send.



Jacque Kottmeier is doing well and will be back at church soon.

Bonnie Mills’ surgical procedure went well and no follow up is scheduled.

Cesar and Kim were back from Canada and appreciate prayers for her mother Carol.

They helped her celebrate her 89th Birthday. Cesar is recovering from surgery on his mouth area done while he was in Canada. He also has upcoming dental procedures, so our prayers continue.


PRAY for:

  • Pat Teeters, her medications are still causing her dizziness.
  • Heather Lara Lewis had surgery, is recovering well and was with us in church on Sunday.
  • Steve Cady’s sister Sherry has been in treatment for breast cancer. Her husband Mike has been in tremendous pain. His spine is deteriorating from multiple myeloma, and he is now under Hospice care with just months to live.
  • erwin Buschauer is back home with his son Robert.
  • Michael Shea is home on Hospice care but doing better.
  • Eloise Johnson continues well with her health issues.
  • Jeanne Koening’s condition has not improved, the pain in her head is unrelenting. Their daughter Jessica was able to link into City of Hope.
  • Bonnie Strack appreciates continued prayers for her son Brendan Simms, who has suffered from a series of strokes.

Thanks to all you have given shoes for Soles 4 Souls. 

The box is still in the Narthex for continued donations.

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