We move ahead in our
reading from Mark this
week. The most
beautiful moment in
the ministry of Jesus
occurs on the mountain
top. It is a moment of
refreshment prior to
the difficult days of Lent
that lay ahead.
This Sunday at Faith will
be a Sunday of Ashes
and Roses. Ashes to
prepare for Lent and Ash Wednesday. Roses for Transfiguration and Valentine’s
Day. We are all the Beloved of God Wedded to the Destiny of our Brother Jesus.
Many of you know I am a Chiefs’ football
fan, having spent some joyful years of
ministry there. Thus, this past Sunday, I
watched the whole surprising blowout. For
Buccaneers’ fans this was a joyous day after
years of drought. For Tom Brady it was ring
number seven. Chiefs’ players and fans
were disappointed, after last year’s
celebration. The NFL, in the end, rewards
only one team out of 32 with the Vince
Lombardi trophy each year so on the whole
there is a lot more disappointment than
When I was a pastor in Lincoln, NE, the Nebraska Cornhuskers were a top ten
national football team. Year after year they came close to being number one, but
in the end Oklahoma or some Florida team would take the crown. When they
finally did secure the number one ranking at the end of a couple of seasons, the
highlight reels ran for decades. Nebraskans certainly knew how to remember the
good years.
Life, like sports, offers moments of celebration and sorrow. The shade can
overwhelm the light. We are currently living through a time when many
experience shadows. I would urge you to remember the days of light as well. Take
time this week to remember the bright days of dawn – Jesus needed this moment
– we do as well.
On the mount of Transfiguration, Elijah and Moses join Jesus and are bathed in
Light. For Moses, this is the first time we read about him standing in the Promised
Land. For Elijah it was a return to earth after a fiery chariot ride took him out of
Elisha’s sight. As part of our replay reel, liturgical churches return every year to
this mountain top moment. We do not want to forget the moments of beauty.
Their wedding day would be a day they point to as a day of Light for many people.
Jesus talked of heaven being like a wedding feast. For his first miracle, Jesus is
talked into turning water into wine, so the wedding feast is not cut short. He
added 120 to 180 gallons of fine wine to the event.
This Sunday, we are offering
couples the opportunity to
remember their vows, to replay
that highlight reel. But for all of us,
Transfiguration Sunday is a day to
remember what is good and right
and beautiful in this life. Those
moments are the truest reflection
of the New Day when God’s
kingdom will come. We have roses
among the ashes.
God Bless you!
Pastor John Bunge

WORSHIP – It is likely safest yet to be outdoors, unless it is raining or cold –
churches are allowed to worship indoors, if the numbers are not too high. Either
way Sundays at 10 am on our campus and via zoom.
The Zoom link each week will be
DVUtJdz09 You can also go into Zoom each week and enter Meeting ID:
891 1879 2862 with the Passcode: Faith. We also record the service.
Sunday, February 14 – Transfiguration and Renewal of Vows.
Sunday is Valentine’s Day this year. There will be artificial roses to take
home, along with ashes for Ash Wednesday for everyone. Let us know if
you would like ashes mailed to you. After the service, couples are invited to
a short renewal of vows service.
Ash Wednesday, February 17 7 pm – Lent starts with a worship service
Wednesday at 7 p.m. – we will be zooming from the sanctuary if you would
like to join us you can. We will be introducing the Gospel of John. Let us
know if you would like to have ashes mailed to you.
Wednesdays in Lent, February 24 – March 24 at 5 p.m. Wednesdays night Bible
Study via zoom on the Gospel of John based on the book: John: The Gospel
of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton. You have two resources. One is the
Gospel of John. You will have an assignment each week so we can discuss it
together via zoom. The second resource is Hamilton’s book, it is available
on Amazon for around $7. I think it best to order it on your own. But if you
would like us to buy it for you, let the office know. I look forward to
discussing our reading together with a warm bowl of your favorite soup. In
the comfort of your home or office. Our new days in the office here at
church will be Tuesday and Wednesday beginning the week of the 17th
February 23 – Edith Lokker turns 100 years old. Let’s shower her with birthday
cards: Her address is 10622 Bryant Street #2, Yucaipa, CA 92399. Send her
birthday wishes. Also, if you can join in a drive-by birthday celebration, we
will be meeting on the 23rd in the church parking lot to drive to her mobile
park to do a drive by. Signs, noise makers, balloons appropriate. Edith is a
long-time member of Faith having given years making quilts, baking, being
a part of Women’s Bible study groups, and steady support of Faith.
February 28 – Farewell and God’s speed to Vicki Rollins. This will be her last
Sunday at Faith before moving out of state with her daughter and
family. Do join us for coffee on the patio after the service to wish her well
with a thankful heart. We hope she visit us from time to time.
Reminder — people who have Thrivent, remember to designate your 2020 Choice
dollars before the end of March. Designating them to Faith means thousands of
dollars for Faith – $350 has been received thus far.
You can also contact the office to coordinate requesting Action Teams. The
Action Team of $250 each goes along ways to help our Ministry.
• Pray for the families those who died of COVID.
Jose Hernandez, father of Jesus Hernandez who is our gardener.
Daniel Armenta’s family, friend of George and Pat.
Cesar Guevara’s family. He lost his sister, Ciria, and nephew, Esteban. The
funerals were last weekend.
Claudia Gambino, who died of COVID January 10, friend of Carol and Ed.
• Continue prayers for Lynda for healing.
• Michael Shea’s daughter, Rebecca, requesting prayer as she ponders her
• Becky Malinowski has moved to continues her treatments for a
reoccurrence of cancer and continues to do well with them.
• Carol Fultz’ sister, Barbara Colangelo, is back in rehab.
• Friends of the Halls who have COVID Denise, Braxton and Mandy.
Landscaping improvements will be continuing out front; the next area will
be the northwest section of the front.
Our next pantry day is this Saturday, February 13.
Eleanor Diaz continues to help organize our quilting area.
You are special people! We are a special congregation of FAITH!