Faith Lutheran Weekly Message


JULY 24, 2024  –  What’s next?

  Our national politics has been turbulent. From the assassination attempt on former President Trump to the announcement by Joe Biden that he was ending his campaign for President. Biden’s path to victory was a long shot, the pressure was building but rarely in...

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The assassination attempt on the life of former President Trump was shocking and alarming. His injuries would have been much more severe if he had not turned his head at just the right moment. President Biden called the incident “sick”. He and others have called for a...

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Plumb Line – July 9, 2024

JULY 9, 2024 I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. Connie and I were up Breckenridge, Colorado, with my extended family. We biked, hiked, rode the rapids, ate together, played a variety of games, and enjoyed the cooler weather.  But it is good to be back. The theme...

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Returning Home – July 2, 2024

Returning Home July 2, 2024 I hope you have a great 4th of July. Perhaps gathering with relatives. Connie and I will be with my family on the 4th in Breckenridge, Colorado. All my siblings and most all their children and spouses will be there. We gather in memory of...

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June 25, 2024 – Your Faith Has Made You Well

Your Faith Has Made You Well June 25, 2024 In our Gospel text for Sunday is Mark 5:21-43, the phrase that sticks out to me in verse 34 is: “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace.” Have you thought recently about how your faith makes you well, allows you...

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June 18, 2024 Faith in Troubled Times

FAITH IN TROUBLED TIMES Summer is a time when we can relax and enjoy time away. Connie and I are enjoying being home for a while after a few days on Coronado Island.  Hadley’s been traveling. You might ask Charlotte and Jennifer about their trip to Puerto Rico and...

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June 10, 2024 – The Mystery of Life

The Mystery of Life June 10, 2024 How is your garden looking? I had some luck with cilantro last year by planting them from seeds rather than potted plants. Encouraged, Connie and I are trying our hand at tomatoes and cucumbers this year. Our neighbor brought over...

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May 29 – Family Dynamics

Family Dynamics May 29, 2024 I hope you had a refreshing and reflective Memorial Day Weekend. Connie and I had a great time with our family. We celebrated our son’s birthday coupling it with a baby shower for our daughter. My time with family will continue as I travel...

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April 30, 2024 – Love Letters

LOVE LETTERS In her later years my mother used to like to “downsize” her collections of memories, pictures, letters, etc. However, what would normally happen is that she would take days reading letters, viewing pictures, and in the end save them all. My daughter,...

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