Faith Lutheran Weekly Message


April 23, 2024 – The True Vine

The True Vine This Sunday we look at another of the “I am” sayings of Jesus – Jesus as the True Vine. Many people imagine God as an old man with a flowing beard, far removed from the world, looking over things from a distant heavenly throne. In this painting of...

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April 16, 2024 – The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd John Chapter 10 is such a comfort as is Psalm 23. They are often chosen for funerals to console those who mourn. I am doing a committal service for Donna Esquer, a lifelong Lutheran who lived most recently at Golden Oaks. We will be at Riverside...

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April 6, 2024 – Too Good to be True?

Too Good to be True? Have you ever experienced something that was too good to be True? The women and the disciples did. Chapter 24 Luke tells us the story of three appearances of the Risen Lord. The first is to the women who go to the tomb. They go early in the...

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Blessed Beyond a Doubt

Blessed Beyond a Doubt Are there times in life that you feel blessed? As humans we are not geared to focus on the Good Times in life. We are geared to be careful and cautious. We focus on the threats, which were especially helpful when dangers in jungles and forests...

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Holy Week – March 25, 2024

Holy Week As I write this, Holy Week has just begun. We will worship on Friday at 7 pm focused on the last Seven Words of Jesus and then celebrate the Resurrection on Sunday with Irm going all out with flowers, musicians, and choir and the fellowship team celebrating...

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Palm/Passion Sunday What does suffering have to do with it? This Sunday we meet outside the sanctuary to remember the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. His riding on a donkey seems humble but the quote from Zechariah 9:9 is of a triumphant and victorious king...

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March 12, 2024 Sharing Good News

Sharing Good News  Do you have Good News to share? Connie and I do. Our daughter shared her joy about being with child. She and her husband, Ying, learned that it is a girl, due in September. Exciting Times for us. She wanted us to wait a bit to clear the first tests...

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MARCH 6 Message – Quiet Conversations

Quiet Conversations I remember being at the ordination of a Missouri Synod pastor at Trinity Lutheran in Shawnee, Kansas. I was happy to be a part of the occasion. During the last part of the service pastors blessed the new pastor with a Bible verse. I thought, how...

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February 26th 2024 Opening an Area

Opening an area Above is a photo of a large-scale model of the temple at the time of Jesus. Herod the Great Builder had added onto the second temple which was started after the people returned from exile in Babylon. The renovation was ongoing until it was destroyed by...

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Souper Studies begin Wednesdays @ 5 pm

Souper Studies begin Wednesdays @ 5 pm We will be studying the life of St. Peter using the book Simeon Peter – Flawed but Faithful Disciple by Adam Hamilton as our basis along with a video produced by him. In this week’s Gospel (Mark 8:31-38) Peter and Jesus in a...

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