June 10, 2024 – The Mystery of Life

The Mystery of Life June 10, 2024 How is your garden looking? I had some luck with cilantro last year by planting them from seeds rather than potted plants. Encouraged, Connie and I are trying our hand at tomatoes and cucumbers this year. Our neighbor brought over...

May 29 – Family Dynamics

Family Dynamics May 29, 2024 I hope you had a refreshing and reflective Memorial Day Weekend. Connie and I had a great time with our family. We celebrated our son’s birthday coupling it with a baby shower for our daughter. My time with family will continue as I travel...

May 21, 2024 – The Holy Trinity and Simple Faith

We had a wonderful celebration of the Preschool on Sunday. Thanks to the Preschool committee and Connie for a wonderful reception for them. As we announced on Sunday, the preschool is in transition. Heather Uribe is leaving for Alabama. Current staff members, Joy and...

April 30, 2024 – Love Letters

LOVE LETTERS In her later years my mother used to like to “downsize” her collections of memories, pictures, letters, etc. However, what would normally happen is that she would take days reading letters, viewing pictures, and in the end save them all. My daughter,...

April 23, 2024 – The True Vine

The True Vine This Sunday we look at another of the “I am” sayings of Jesus – Jesus as the True Vine. Many people imagine God as an old man with a flowing beard, far removed from the world, looking over things from a distant heavenly throne. In this painting of...

April 16, 2024 – The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd John Chapter 10 is such a comfort as is Psalm 23. They are often chosen for funerals to console those who mourn. I am doing a committal service for Donna Esquer, a lifelong Lutheran who lived most recently at Golden Oaks. We will be at Riverside...