Your Faith Has Made You Well

June 25, 2024

In our Gospel text for Sunday is Mark 5:21-43, the phrase that sticks out to me in verse 34 is: “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace.”

Have you thought recently about how your faith makes you well, allows you to journey through life in peace?

This woman’s story encourages us to take that moment and reflect on the healing power of faith.

The picture above is “The Healing Power of the Hem.” The woman thought the power was in the hem of Jesus. If she could just get close enough to touch a bit of his clothing she would be healed. She had been hemorrhaging blood for twelve years, which in the days of Jesus made her unclean. Her culture told her not to reach out and touch people or they would be unclean as well. She is desperate. She spent all she had on physicians who did not help her. In fact, they make it worse.

She heard about the healing power of Jesus and believed that if she could just touch the man with the healing touch she would be healed. As Jesus walks to the home of Jairus to heal his daughter, she pushes her way through the crowd and coming up from behind, touches Jesus’ cloak. She is instantly healed.

Jesus senses that “power had gone forth from him” and asks: “Who touched me.” With the crowd pressing on him, who could it be? But the woman comes forward, falls down before him and tells the truth. Jesus tells her: “Daughter, your faith has made you well go in peace.”

She thought the power was in the hem. The power was in her faith.

In Martin Luther’s time, people would ascribe power to relics of saints, or bits of the real cross. They were tourist attractions for the church who said they had them.

Luther emphasized that power is in faith, not the bits and pieces of relics.

There is power in our Faith.

Power for: A Positive Outlook, Optimism about the future.

There as so many dystopian images of the future being promoted in film and by commentators. You would not guess that crime is down in the US or that despite wars in Gaza and Ukraine and elsewhere less people are being killed in wars than almost any time in history. Yet so little optimism.

The Book of Lamentations concerns the ruin and desolation of Jerusalem and the Temple. Chapter One is the weeping of a widow overcome by miseries. Yet there is a confidence in Chapter 3:

22The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
his mercies never come to an end;
23they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
This hope is made clear in the innocent death of Jesus being overcome by the resurrection.

There is Faith’s Power to give: A Sense of Purpose

Once the woman is healed, Jairus is told by his household, that there is no need for Jesus to come to the house. “Your daughter is dead.” Jesus’ answer is “Do not fear, only believe.”  Sometimes life is so sad, we may want to just cash it in, lay down, and die. Jesus will not be dissuaded. Jairus’s daughter is not dead but sleeping. The household laughs at him. He takes the child’s hand and restores her life. He has a calling to bring forth life and so he does.

Faith gives us the courage and resolve to carry on. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 8:7 that the Corinthians excel in everything: in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you. He would like them to excel also in this generous undertaking. They are called to reflect the love of God, deeper and deeper, as does Paul.

Jesus was not just a Rabbi; he was the leader of a community called to move deeper and deeper into their faith. Our hope, our purpose in life may be sleeping, but never dead.

Prayer: God of all nations may the Good News of Faith continue to spread throughout the world. May even the hard-hearted open their hearts to the hope and renewal faith brings to us. If we are asleep wake us that we might continue your re-creation of the world, one heart at a time, beginning with ourselves. Amen.

Grace and Peace,       Pastor John

Support – The summer months can be tight so keep up your financial support as you are able. Welcome to Barbara Kuerzinger as Treasurer. Make it easy on her in writing checks by keeping up your support. MANY MANY THANKS to Richard for his many years of service as we make the transition.

The BELLS – are back for the summer; practice on Sunday morning at 9:00 am.

WELCA – The Next Women’s Bible Study is August 3, part of a 3-part Bible series on living in faith.

Interested in joining Faith?  We are planning a new member orientation later in July. Let Pastor Bunge know of your interest.


Thanks to the great response for Stater Bros. grocery bags for the pantry.  Pantry is 8 to 10:30 every 2nd & 4th Saturday, so July 13 and 27.   We serve largely an older group in need of our assistance.

Grief Support – There is a GriefShare program available in our community. Char Lampe helps in leading it her number is 951-218-8590.  It was recommended highly by one of our Faith Family.

Time of Meditation –meets Thursdays @ 1 pm. Welcome back Nelson.

LAUREN SCHAFER is back Monday through Thursday 12:30 to 3 p.

Pastor Bunge will be out of the office until Tues. July 9 and Wed. July 10; then Mondays and Tuesdays.

Confirmation Classes start again September 8.

QUILTING – Emily Smith’s Group (909.255.2452) has completed 16 for Central City Lutheran Mission and 6 for Lutheran World Relief. They also gave 2 quilts to graduating Seniors Charlotte and Evan.

PRAY for:

  • Nelson continues his recovery.
  • Jacque Kottmeier and family on the death of Dennis.
  • Nancy’s son, Gabe, is recovering greatly.
  • erwin has been back in church, birthday celebration for him August 18.
  • The Watsons would appreciate prayers for Bud who is at home.
  • Eloise appreciates your prayers.
  • Jan Wheeler appreciates our prayers for Andrew Gentry, a co-worker of her son Brian who had a set back this past week.
  • The Koening’s appreciate your prayers.
  • Kyle and Dana’s son, Kevin’s, Mother-in-Law, Lisa, cancer was found even after surgery.
  • Many prayers for Dana, who broke her foot.
  • Cesar and Kim appreciate prayers for their sons, Tim, and Kyle. Her brother Jim is back in a critical state.
  • The Sheas would appreciate prayers for Rebecca and Chris Herandez in need of housing for themselves and the twins.
  • Continued Godly journey for Brendan Simms, son of Bonnie Strack.


Thanks to all you have given shoes for Soles 4 Souls place your shoes in the boxes inside the Narthex and Fireside Room labeled “Soles 4 Souls.”



23       We had LOTS OF FUN for the surprise 99th Birthday party for Pat Kilday, with Bingo and laughter.  Thanks much to Nancy for the wonderful Spaghetti.

 30 – Jumpstart 4th of July.  Hot Dogs, Chips, Mac & Cheese, Root Beer Floats 

Nancy is providing fun poppers and a bean bag toss for the young at heart.


7          WELCA

14th — 75th Anniversary Celebration HONORING THE PANTRY –Fajitas, salad, dessert

Carol Jensen, Organizer erwin Buschauer
Barbara Kuerzinger, Assisting Organizer Pat Kilday
Leisa Alvarado Mike Shea
Brenda Batt & Bronson David Strack
Antoinette Brenion Jan Wheeler
Debbie & Pete Gerlach  
Bruce Goloski  
Eloise & Fred Johnson  
Joseph Koenig & Lucas  
David Lund  
Pat Teeters    

 21       BINGO!   Casserole, salad and dessert

 28       “OH! HAPPY DAY” – Chicken Noodle Casserole, Salad and dessert


 4          WELCA

 11       75th Anniversary Celebration HONORING THE YOUTH & EDUCATION with Back-to-School games for young at heart. 

18       90th Birthday Party for erwin! 

 25       FUN IN THE SUN!   Cornhole Tourney


Reminder:  Please bring Bingo Prizes and if you want to help with food for any date, please let Connie know, 951.514.1214