This Sunday we have the pleasure of
having Bishop Rev. Dr. Andrew Taylor
with us. He is a dear friend of the
congregation, Pastor Larry Koger was a
close friend. He has decided not to run
again for Bishop, which is a six-year
commitment. I thought it good to have
him back before he leaves office. Do
not miss this chance to be with him.
This week is also the beginning of our Lenten Soup Suppers and Study. We will be
looking at the Apostle’s Creed from the standpoint of what you believe now at
this point in your life.
I remember memorizing the Creed and its meaning for confirmation and can still
recite parts of it. At the time, as a good pastor’s kid, my faith reflected the church
teaching at the time.
Through the years, I will say, my understanding of the faith has changed. I still
hold to the Apostle’s Creed, but when I say I believe in God the Creator of heaven
and earth, I have a different vision in mind. I do not think of a six-day creation
with a day of rest on the seventh. I think of an immense explosion at the center of
the universe with stars, planets and galaxies being formed over 15 billion years. In
a way creation did not even take six days. All matter and energy came into
existence in an instant. Since that Big Bang, matter and energy have evolved but
nothing has been lost, not one atom, not one measure of energy. Transformation
but not annulation.
What are your thoughts about the beginning of space and time?
There have been a variety of stories in the past about how the world came into
being. At the time when the creation story in the Bible was written down, the
Babylonians, who conquered Judea, had this creation story. The patron god of the
city of Babylon was Marduk. In their Epic of Creation, Marduk battles the goddess
Tiamat, the deified ocean. Marduk is victorious more this feminine deity and kills
her. Out of the top half of her body, he creates the sky and out of the bottom half,
the earth. This elevates Marduk above all the other gods. This was the “science”
of the most powerful nation at the time of the exile around 600 BC.
A reading of Genesis 1 is quite different. As the ancient Jewish scholars wrote
down their creation story, they saw stages of creation with light being created
first, followed by earth and plants and animals and finally human beings. Not so
different from our current science which sees the earth and our solar system as
approximately 4.5 billion years old. Aligning again with the Bible, humans were
late comers. We think now that we started in Africa, six million years ago, we
gradually migrated throughout the world. Again, as the Bible affirms, we are all
related, one family of God.
We have evolved, built tools, create civilizations, adapted to our environment,
and recently sent the James Webb Telescope into space. Webb will act to detect
infrared light, revealing otherwise hidden regions of space. Part of the purpose is
to give us an even clearer picture of the origins of the universe.
We have traveled far from the plains of Babylon and the story of Murduk. But
through it, all the Bible has helped us to see that the creative power behind the
cosmos has an interest in the creatures that have an interest in the Creation and
the Creator. Genesis tells us that God named each stage of creation and called it
good. Let us pray that we can see the good in creation as well and preserve and
serve it.
Creation will be the discussion this first Souper Wednesday with the purpose to
have you more deeply develop your own understanding. Next Wednesday the
topic will be: How do you see Jesus as the Word of God?
Sovereign of the universe, you called creation good. Jesus, your Word, was with
you at the beginning. He began his ministry entering the waters of the Jordan,
hearing the voice of heaven through the clouds, fasting in the wilderness. He
brought forth a new creation in us. May we see your creation with new eyes and
preserve and serve this wondrous world through care, mercy, and peace. Amen.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor John
Souper Studies Wednesdays March 9 – April 6. Soup/Study in the Fireside room
at 5:00 p.m. Please sign up to bring soup. The signup list is in the Fireside room.
The five themes for each week revolve around the Apostle’s Creed:
March 9: What do you believe about the origins of the universe?
March 16: Is Jesus the Word of God?
March 23: What do you make of the Cross? Why is it so central to the Christian
March 30: Is there a Heaven? What is Heaven like?
April 6: How does the Church and the Holy Spirit function in my life?
In the end you will have a clearer picture of your own statement of faith.
• George and Pat were able to be back with us in worship.
• Judy Mishoe’s sister, Jayne, was diagnosed with cancer, had surgery, and
has a 90% chance of recovery. Nice to have Judy in church with us.
• Thanks to Elaine Risso and Jacque Kottmeier for working on our flower
garden area.
YOUTH Confirmation Class continues this week. There are lessons to take home if
you miss a week. Children’s Church continues. Are you interested in assisting? Let
us know at the church office or give Robyn Blue a call.
WELCA – Next gathering will be April 2.
Pantry – March 12 and 26. Spaghetti sauce is needed.
Quilting – Eleanor is with us on Wednesday now through Lent.
Choice Dollars with Thrivent.
Thrivent members help support our church – over $700 has come in thus far.
Don’t let Choice Dollars expire. Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have
Choice Dollars available from 2021 have until March 31, 2022, to direct them. Go
to thriventchoice to learn more. Or call 800-847-4836 and say
“Thrivent Choice” after the prompt.
• Continued prayers for Jeanne Koenig who has a sinus infection still lingering
despite antibiotics. Joe has been ill as well.
• Kim Guevara is back in Canada visiting her mother, Caroline Beaudry who is
still in the hospital. There are several issues to be resolved.
Continued Prayers for:
• Geri Witwer who is still retaining water and still having trouble breathing.
• Heather, our preschool director, is having some health issues which have
been postponed.
• Bill and Judy Martin’s daughter, Laura, continues her chemo treatments by
pill till June and is back working parttime.
• Continued Godly journey for Brendan Simms, son of Bonnie Strack and
Rebecca, daughter of Michael and Ann Shea.
• erwin for strength and Lynda for healing.
PRAYER & CELEBRATION TEAM Jeanne & Connie have agreed to make calls to
our members and friends. They will be calling to get prayer concerns, updates on
health and other issues. We are also going to be adding a Celebration section.
So, think of all your good news and we will share it as well.
Upcoming DATES
SUNDAY WORSHIP @ 10 am. live stream and recording available on our website.
Refreshments after services now.
• March 13 – Bishop Andy Taylor will be with us.
• March 9 – April 6 – Souper Studies of the Apostle’s Creed and our Faith.
• April 10 – Palm Sunday – Do you have palms you could share for
• April 17 – Easter