Last week I
the Lone
Ranger. This
week we read
in Gene 2:18
about the
original lone
The Lone Ranger at least had Tonto. Adam had no one. It was God that looked
down and said: “It is not good that man should be alone.” So out of the ground
come all the animals of the field and every bird of the air. Adam names them but
there is not a “helper” fit for him. So, God takes a rib from Adam and forms a
woman. Adam is delighted and exclaims: “This at last is bone of my bones and
flesh of my flesh.” (Genesis 2:23). “A man leaves his father and mother and clings
to his wife” because loneliness is not good place to be.
Sometimes we idealize the world of the past: Peaceful people living in tune with
nature. Certainly, they did not need to deal with the populations, pollution, and
global warming of today. But life in this world always had troubles. A quick
reading of the Psalms or Lamentations will acquaint you with the difficulties of
the ancient Hebrew people.
God saw that it was not good for Adam to face the world alone, even in the
garden of Eden. There is no paradise without someone with whom to share it.
When brought together, Adam and Eve would be able to take on the world, which
we have seen happen through the thousands of years since.
I have seen in my years of ministry how thousands of couples working together
can create a “paradise” for themselves and their children. I remember one couple,
in particular, who were brought together during WWII. He was briefly
hospitalized, and she was his nurse. They knew each other just a few months and
before he shipped off, they decided to marry. The date they chose was December
31, in Oklahoma, they were too young in their home state. They woke up a
pastor, in the neighboring state, who had not gotten the word they were coming.
It was just before midnight. He was weary and just going to bless them. However,
when his wife saw that the groom had purchased a ring for his wife to be, she
decided she would play the piano for them as well. They barely made the
midnight hour of the date of the certificate. Rushed as it was the marriage lasted
70 years. They were not alone as they face a world war and the years that
I saw Norma Burwell on her 90 birthday and she was looking well. She had not
enjoyed the time when her nursing home was under covid restrictions. She was in
her room alone. Now able to get out and about, she was radiant.
We have all suffered through a pandemic that has narrowed the options of
people we might relate to. It is refreshing to see people coming back to worship
and gathering again around refreshments after service. For the extroverts among
us this is especially welcome. Together we can do so much. It is welcome as well
to have the children coming back to the preschool, so they can, among other
things, develop their social skills. They learn every day how blessed it is to have
other playmates in your world.
In our Gospel text, the disciples are trying to dissuade parents from bringing
children to Jesus. But Jesus is indignant and said “Let the little children come to
me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”
Not only do we need each other, we need a connection to the creator as well. I
hope that as our country slowly opens up, you will be able to rekindle personal
relationships. But especially hold onto your relationship with God for with our
“hand in the hand of the man who still the waters” we can create moments and
places of paradise in this world. Anticipating the paradise to come. Even paradise
is not good for us if we are alone.
God our Father, it is not good for us to be alone. Paradise is no paradise if we are
alone in this world. Bring near the day when we can freely interact with one
another. May we know that joy, laughter, respect, and peace that can come from
supportive relationships. May our relationship with you so fill us with
unconditional love, that we share it with the world. Amen.
Grace and Peace, Pastor John Bunge
SUNDAY @ 10 am. live stream and recording available on our website.
Refreshments after services.
We could use additional Readers and Worship Assistants. Call or email Pastor or
Carol if you can assist. Thanks to Barbara Kuerzinger who did a great job reading
on Sunday.
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: This coming Week Monday and Tuesday. September 27
and 28. Jeanne will be only be in on Mondays.
INFORMATION: We want to celebrate birthdays and anniversary with you. Could
you let us know your birthdays and anniversaries? Just reply to this email or call
the church office. Thanks to those who have responded.
PRESCHOOL: We are OPEN. Spread the word! We have nine attending and
another six on deck. We have room for 28. Those interested can call the church at
909-790-1816 for tours and more information.
WOMEN – Next meeting October 1. They meet the first Saturdays of the month
@ 9:30 am in the Fireside Room for a continental breakfast, devotions, and
YOUTH Children’s Church continues. Are you interested in assisting? Let us know
at the church office or give Robyn Blue a call. My current plan is to begin
Confirmation Classes after the first of the year, January 9, after all the holidays are
over. We have students ready to go.
Next pantry Saturday, October 8. Thanks to all who are assisting.
Property We will be working on the left half of the front yard next week.
Quilting continues 65 quilts and over 66 lap blankets –vaccinated volunteers are
returning. They will be on display October 10 and 17. You can bid on a quilt they
are $70 each to support the purchase of material. First one to claim each quilt will
receive the quilt that morning.
• Bless the Kottmeiers for their work on the garden area on the patio.
• Pray for Cliff, he lost his son Chuck. This after his truck was totaled. He is
now staying with Fred. Bless you, Fred.
• Pray for Eloise Johnson was able to be with us on Sunday and with awaiting
a procedure to bring relief to unrelenting back pain caused by severe
arthritis in her third lumbar.
• Cesar Guevara is recovering well from foot surgery and is awaiting surgery
for a cardiac ablation. Kim Guevara’s brother-in-law, Paul, was taken off the
ventilator and passed away. The family was able to pay their last respects.
Kim’s sister-in-law is home but on oxygen due to covid. Her brother Jim is
back at work but just ½ time as the result of covid.
• Gerri Witwer is back home.
• Michael Shea is going through tests and facing surgery in November.
• Bill and Judy Martin’s daughter, Laura, who lives in Kansas started her
radiation treatments.
• Thanks for your prayers for the Motschall’s niece, Linda Odde. They are
monitoring her condition but not recommending surgery.
• erwin for strength and Lynda for healing. I saw him and Lynda last week
delivering eggs to the pantry.
• Continued Godly journey for Brendan, son of Bonnie Strack and Rebecca,
daughter is progressing of Michael and Ann Shea.