We invite you to worship Sundays at 10 am each week. Join us in person for the most joyous hour of the week OR live stream at 10 am by clicking the button below. There are also past recordings on the link. Refreshments and follow worship @ 11:00 a.

Confirmation classes will begin again in August

Worship with Us!


We invite you to worship Sundays at 10 am each week. Join us in person for the most joyous hour of the week. Refreshments and follow worship @ 11:00 a.

Meet Faith Lutheran

Meet the staff and clergy, read about our history, and find out about ministries and other activities.

Contact and Directions

Faith Lutheran Church is located at 12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399. 

Worship With Us

We continue our Single Service worship now inside at 10 am. We share liturgy, hymns and sermon. Join us for a live feed of our service as well. under Sunday Service 

Our Mission

“Knowing the Love of Jesus and Showing the Love of Jesus to God’s wondrous world.”

Faith Lutheran News Center

August 28 – The Wrong Answer

Jeremiah 15:15-21 Psalm 26: 1-8 Romans 12:9-21 Matthew 16:21-28 What happens when you get the answer wrong? Peter had done so well in the first part of Matthew 16. He boldly proclaimed that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Jesus commends him saying:...

August 22, 2023 – The Answer Key

August 22, 2023 THE ANSWER KEY Isaiah 51:1-68 Psalm 138 Romans 12:1-8Matthew 16:13-20 How does it feel to get the answers to questions wrong? I needed to get a new driver’s license by my birthday on December 1. I decided to go in early. Sadly, the Banning office is...

August 15, 2023 A Claim on your Heart

August 15, 2023  - A Claim on Your Heart Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 Psalm 67 Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Matthew 15:10-28 I was recently asked: What is your favorite scripture? I answer that I love the story about the Canaanite woman, which is our Gospel text for this Sunday. She...

August 8, 2023 – Message – Mastering the Waves

Scripture passages: 1 Kings 19: 9-18, Romans 10: 5 - 15, and Matthew 14: 22-33 I remember visiting the church where my mother grew up in Langford, South Dakota. The painting in the front of the church was that of Jesus rescuing St. Peter from the waves. There were not...