Knowing Jesus: “Sounds of the Heart” – John 17 – The Wandering ...

We live in difficult times. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought over 100,000 deaths to our country. Meanwhile, in Minneapolis, of all places, yet, another unarmed black man was killed by police. Protests and violence have followed.

We will be praying for our nation in my meditation for this Sunday

Sunday is Trinity Sunday. Matthew 28: 16 – 20 is the text. The resurrected Jesus is saying farewell to the disciples. As he does so, they worship him, but there are also doubts.  Does all authority really belong to Jesus? If so, why is he leaving the world in this shape?

They wondered, worshiped and doubted. You may be doing the same. We worship Jesus and his vision of hope, but if Jesus is in control, why is the world as it is? Why has our journey to be one nation, under God been so fraught with hardships? We live in the now (Jesus with us) but also the not yet (the kingdom yet to come).

I see people doing the right thing, right now in our area –

Wearing masks to protect those vulnerable to this virus.

Watching their distance from others

Standing with those who have suffered from racism

Standing with those first responders who bear the brunt of this country’s divisions and anger.

Jesus says, “Go” into this world of ours. “Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that he commanded them.”  Basically, what Christ has commanded us to do is to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. How do we do that in our world right now?

I do see the people of Faith living out that command — when Carol is there for her daughter – when Geri gets good news and is able to share it with friends in faith – when Diane Watson takes Bud back into her home – when Nelson prays for us all – when Bill and Judy continue to pray for others as they recover — when Eloise, Richard and Caroline attend to your gracious offerings to our church – when erwin brings eggs by the church for the pantry – when all serve through the pantry to help our community — when George, Joe, Fred, Fred, Steve, Sharon, Bonnie, Dave, Vicki and Connie do so much to improve the look of our church facilities – when all of you continue to support and pray for the people of the church.

Now, how do we teach this love of God, when so many spend so much time yelling? Does it leave you doubting about whether love in the end will be the answer?

This I do know, we need people who are willing to show their love of God and neighbor, especially now. As our lives are slowly getting unstuck – Go – go and be the presence of God in the world.

Blessings – stay safe,

Pastor Bunge


Bill and Judy Martin continue their recovery and their prayers for you.

Geri Witwer heard Good News from her CT scan – nothing detected.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support of the church.


Your council will be calling you this week to see whether you are ready to come back for in person worship. If they do not get a hold of you by Wednesday morning could you email your thoughts to me at

When we do reopen, we will need to have a plan of how best to start. I will be emailing/mailing that plan out next week. When we do reopen, we will continue to record the service and share it with all our members on YouTube and on our Facebook page and our new Website which is getting a face lift. If it is unwise for you or you are not ready to return, know this:

We are one in Christ. Time and space do not separate us.

Thanks to Joe, Jeannie, Fred, Fred, Eloise and all who worked in and manned the Pantry.  Thanks to Connie Bunge who refreshed some of the narthex furniture and helped me clean up the cables in the back of the church.

Thanks to Bonnie and Dave, who over several days, painted all the hallway doors of the preschool and pantry areas. Thanks to Sharon and Steve Cady who painted the doors around the downstairs Men’s Bathroom.

Thanks to George Motschall who is working with professional installers to lay down new vinyl in our office areas.

Know someone with plumbing skills? A new counter and sink will be installed in the downstairs kitchen, through a Thrivent Action Team grant given by Diane Watson. We need to install the new sink and likely need a new disposal as well, as the current ones are leaking.

We will also be enhancing our south parking lot, using Thrivent Action Teams. Carol Jensen has received her $250 grant which we will be using for rock, weed block and other items. If you feel like getting out, we will have weed block fabric stored in the stairwell area along with shovels and a wheelbarrow. Rocks are coming for that area on the south and bark for the north side of the lot. Call ahead if you need to have someone open the stairwell for you. Celebrate the great outdoors and make our outdoors great at the church, any amount of work you can provide is helpful and appreciated.

Painting – If you’d like to help us paint, we have 4 smaller areas left.   Any time would be appreciated.   We have the paint and supplies.   Please call Connie, 951.514.1214


The council decided to open the courtyard area to all the church support groups who meet at our church. They will be meeting outside and bringing their own chairs. They will only have use of one of our bathrooms which they will be cleaning after each meeting. They are to follow county guidelines for meeting in groups.